Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mimicking is indeed the best form of flattery

That’s what the saying goes like (or at least similar). Well let’s see who is flattering who here.

Man (and I mean mankind here for being slightly politically incorrect) inherently mimics! Period.

I got this epiphany a while back but have been on hiatus from writing for some odd reason or another. The moment was riding a subway in Barcelona, with a colleague (also an avid blogger at ) and as the train snaked its way in these tunnels I couldn’t help but think I was riding inside a well lit centipede’s belly! (I had a late previous night at the bar and I guess remnants were still flowing through my veins)

Then during my ride-in-the-centipede’s-belly I began to think and came up with my list of Man-mimics or Manimics as I would now like to call them (that’s my 2 bits of creativity thank you)

Here goes that list:

Subway – Centipede
Sky scraper Window Cleaners –Spider / Scum sucker fish
Helicopter – Dragon fly
Morse code – Fireflies
Rock climbing – Praying Mantis
Society – Ants
Scuba - Fish
General Male Habits – Apes
General Female Habits - Cats

Maybe these animals know something we dont! But heck I guess we are just flattering a better species

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