Perhaps one of the only ‘absolute’ truths in my opinion out there.
Definition of ‘Selfish’: Concerned chiefly or only with oneself (source
Whatever it is that man does; an act of kindness, a good deed or a selfless action, it is motivated from one’s own desire to attain inner peace or that mental ‘feel-good’ fix where one enjoys that fuzzy feeling resonate within one’s self.
Hence, as my hypothesis states, the good deed is also a selfish act. Any selfless deed at some level when mined or looked inside the sanctorum of your spirit shall echo this one common denominator. It felt good! Now if it felt good to you (which would be the normal reaction/inflection), is that not an act of selfishness where your satisfaction or personal gratification is the motivation; and I’m speaking at a bare-all-the-bones, basic feeling in black and white and not the shades-of-grey, be true to yourself when asking this, kind of way.
Personally I think that we have associated selfishness with negative connotations however depending on the outcome of one’s actions it should be defined neutrally with consequences of a positive or negative nature, as would be the case with other traits we would not regard in a negative or harsh manner.
Now you’re thinking about intentions and all that jazz. Well intentions are another ball game altogether and I might be tempted to write another note on that sometime.
So I’m gonna be a bit selfish today and help out the next chap in ‘need’ so I can do my good deed of the day.
Yes I’m selfish; I’m not afraid to admit it and I like it!

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