Then time ticks away (slowly at first) and you refuel on another just to keep you level. And then the conversation gets funnier, the music sounds better and the moods gets nicer.
Tick tock tick tock, the activity repeats itself a couple of more times and now the conversation is funny without words, the music is perfectly synched to the evening and time is whizzing by on fast forward.
Next thing you know it’s closer to 2 am and you remember your early morning for an errand or some work that seemed quite manageable when you started out even though your schedule was heavily pre-booked.
Boom, you go for the last one of the evening before calling it a night and suddenly, conversations aren’t funny anymore; they are borderline irritating, the music isn’t quite synched in; its plain noise and you are in a rush to head home so you can get some shut eye before the day breaks!
Tick, tick, tick, boom, boom, boom, your head aches like it has a freight train doing the choo choo with a full load and the sunlight is a tad bit too bright for a cloudy day.
You heave yourself out of bed; grab that coffee and toast (bagel for the Americans I guess) and try to hit the day full speed.
Only to realize, the day isn’t friendly, people seem fresher (when compared to you) and conversations are best avoided as the slightest sound drives a spike between your temples.
Yup the last one does break the camel’s back. “Should’ve quit when I was ahead “you think to yourself; but soon enough memory fades as the evening nears and the cycle inevitably repeats itself. The people seem friendlier again, the conversations get funny all over and boy, are you glad to be in a good mood (again)!!

You've managed to capture the 'feel' and aftermath of the 'last one' quite realistically.
ReplyDeletehehehe been there enough times to really know i should have quit when i was ahead :)