Ever wonder why when you are in an elevator one tends to look at the numbers of the floors change? Why we are insistent on looking like we are doing something useful for those few seconds which seem to last a lot longer than they should?
Man (meant mankind here since this is an equal opportunity blog) by nature has an inherent need to be (or look) busy or let me rephrase that; man by nature does not want to look idle (meant stupid here) when in the company (close quarters owing to the limited space in an elevator) of others!
You all know about the 18 inches of space which is our invisible bubble within which we feel we are secure? My guess is this is an inherent instinct etched in our genetic code probably during our times when we were secure inside a womb protected from all elements outside our world!
What goes through one’s mind when in an elevator?
“Hmmm so the numbers really do change at exact intervals”
“I didn’t notice that there are 57 symmetrical lines each on both doors before”
“I hope my floor is the first stop so I can get out of this sardine can!”
“I wonder if jumping up at the exact moment before the elevator hits the floor really does work.”
Yes, yes we are funny creatures when we introspect on these little (but essentially important) activities that seem to have become a part of all our everyday lives.
Ding. ‘Second floor” blurts the computerized voice as I nudge my way out from this OTIS invention circa 1996 complete with an emergency stop button, a hidden security camera and an intercom I hope will work if when lights go out.

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