I have a friend in London who asked me this question today which struck a chord for me to look into myself before I replied with my response.
Question: Do you think a twenty year old; the child of Pakistani parents who has grown up in the Middle East, schooled there and then in London but who holds a Pakistani passport and who has essentially grown up surrounded by Pakistani people is Pakistani even though he's never lived in Pakistan at all?
I thought to myself that this is a very smart and concerned question from, well, a concerned Pakistani.
Online I went, to my favorite reference site (www.wikipedia.org) and after doing some brief reading the following was my response:
Can a man, born in India to an Ismaili khoja family, married to a Parsi, educated and living in England, holding an Imperial passport, not able to speak our national language but surrounded by people who envisioned and desired the same idea be the Father of a Nation?
The answer to my friends question, we are sure to find in the due course of time!
This thought led me to my own question. What is a Pakistani? Yes by the technical definition he or she is the citizen of our recently formed state however in my
personal belief, being a Pakistani is far more than that. It is an ideal! It is the will to stand for your rights; it is the energy and ambition to work towards realising your beliefs; it is the desire to live free and it is the passion to better your motherland and your lot to the best of your honest abilities.
That is what I feel it is to be a Pakistani. I don’t expect agreements on this though I do invite debate here.
How far are we in achieving this ideal; is another question in itself but if you or I have the will, energy, commitment, passion and conviction to be Pakistani then I do believe there is hope.
Even in her martyrdom, Benazir Bhutto has ignited an inferno of political enlightenment amongst the urban Pakistani’s (moreso amidst the youth) who perhaps viewed Pakistani politics perched on their comfortable sofa’s watching our fate play its role on the boob tube.
I sincerely hope that a phoenix does rise from these ashes.
This country cannot burn anymore, and I for one cannot remain seated on my sofa, anymore!
Pakistan Zindabad!