Not only are these women riding on these timeless (I say this only because I cannot recall the last time a Honda CD 70 changed/improved its shape or design radically) 70 cc machines without helmets and with flowing dupattas (thats part of our national dress, a long section of cloth used to cover oneself from the leering-male eye) but they dare to do so while sitting in the old Victorian side saddle position. For description’s sake this is the ‘both legs on the same side” of the bike (horse during Victorian times) position in order to appear lady-like.
With some of the well endowed behinds one is sure to see (I’m being conservative when I say ‘well’ here) on the road (due to a healthy 3-times-a-day-diet of oily, spicy and cholesterol laden Pakistani food). Waitaminute. . .It’s not the diet alone dammit! I thinks it’s the lazy ass approach to “oh my life is over when I’ve had 6 kids and what is the point of looking good now” attitude that has landed the chubby chucker cheeks where your shapely hips once used to be! (But then that’s another note on its own)
These brave side saddle queens are the modern day daredevils risking it all for the basic necessity of transport.
If any of you have driven on the roads of Pakistan recently, especially after the banking boom allowing a thousand or so cars on the road everyday (and these roads are not designed to manage this load I tell you) then you would understand and appreciate the bravery displayed in this daily activity of our own side saddle queens!
Resilience and courage have new meaning when one sees these champions of the side saddle ride quietly while their chaperones maneuver their loyal steeds (CD 70 in this case) on thin roads between buses, zipping compacts and diesel spewing trucks at every corner.
"oh you side saddle queens of the world, i salute you and honor your bravery at every step of the way. Your courage displayed has not gone unnoticed!"
p.s. i forgot to mention that at most times there are more than two persons on each one of these bikes which adds to the possible thrill these daredevils are continually seeking. And for all you sensitive souls out there i am not discounting the necessity element here. . . im just rambling on a thought that has probably occured to all of us at one time or another.