Is it me or did father time start winding his clock a bit quicker than he used to? I can easily remember the times when I could play some Atari®, play cricket in the driveway, take the bike and go for a ride around the neighborhood and then play some cops and robbers with the cousins and all this before evening snacks!
These days by the time I get up and get done its past lunch already (mind you I have been getting up at around 930-1000 hrs on the weekends).Spent pretty much the better half of Saturday at the workshop again cause now ive caught the beetle bug and am tinkering with improvements to the machine.
It was interesting to see dismantled engines and get a quick Engine 101 from the Ustaad (lead engineer) about the fineries of German ingenuity. It is amazing to see 40+year old engines come to life at this chaps workshop which, to the average Joe, would look more like a car dump than a hospital that revives these relics back to pristine conditions. Apparently the German race is perhaps one of the most superior machine race in the planet.
They were assembling engines with simplicity and convenience that have resulted in an auto revolution. Have just joined the Islamabad VW club www.vwcop.com which sorta gives the starters like me a crash course on the beetle and its history.
These days by the time I get up and get done its past lunch already (mind you I have been getting up at around 930-1000 hrs on the weekends).Spent pretty much the better half of Saturday at the workshop again cause now ive caught the beetle bug and am tinkering with improvements to the machine.
It was interesting to see dismantled engines and get a quick Engine 101 from the Ustaad (lead engineer) about the fineries of German ingenuity. It is amazing to see 40+year old engines come to life at this chaps workshop which, to the average Joe, would look more like a car dump than a hospital that revives these relics back to pristine conditions. Apparently the German race is perhaps one of the most superior machine race in the planet.
They were assembling engines with simplicity and convenience that have resulted in an auto revolution. Have just joined the Islamabad VW club www.vwcop.com which sorta gives the starters like me a crash course on the beetle and its history.
I am now on the official hunt for genuine parts and accessories for what is now proudly know as, Betty the beetle. In case you come across any reference sites which can supply cheap parts and accessories for my bug please do let me know.